Let the Church of the Nazarene be true to its commission; not great and elegant buildings; but to feed the hungry and clothe the naked and wipe away the tears of sorrowing, and gather jewels for His diadem.”
— Phineas F. Bresee

We here at Asheville First are a Church of the Nazarene. If you are not familiar with our tradition, then it is quite easy to explain who we are in 3 simple words: Christian, Holiness, and Missional.


The Church of the Nazarene is explicitly Christian and Identifies with the history of the Christian tradition. While we have our unique identity within the Christian faith we are only one member of the larger body of Christ. As Christians we proclaim that Jesus Christ is Lord and that he has brought about God's Kingdom on earth.


The Church of the Nazarene's unique identity is in the Wesleyan-Holiness tradition which began with John Wesley's emphasis on sanctification and living a holy life. We are not "Holy-Rollers," but we do seek to be a holy people set aside for God's work in the world. At the core of our Holiness identity is God's love. Living a holy life is as simple as allowing God's love to wholly transform and wholly use you . God is always seeking a people to reveal his steadfast love to the world. We try to be those people. 


We at Asheville First are a people on a mission. Our primary mission  is to manifest the love of Christ in all that we do both individually and corporately. Everything we do is in an effort to know, grow, and share Christ's love with all people. We believe this will lead people to become disciples who strive to follow Christ as closely as they can. 


Our Local Church Mission Statement: 

To know, show, share, and grow together in the love of Christ